One final note from your Race Director before we put the 2015 effort to bed for the summer.
We posted partial times (9.7 and 17.0 mile splits) for the solo marathon and relay on the DC Road Runners web site.
If you haven’t already signed up, please consider the offer from the directors of the Runners Marathon of Reston for free entry to all of our solo marathon runners. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, email the RMR’s race director (address sent to all our runners). The RSVP deadline is March 17.
DC Road Runners Club also puts on a shorter race in late summer with a very similar course. The Larry Noel 15K Race will take place on Labor Day Sunday, September 6, at 5pm. If you like the course through Greenbelt and dodging potholes on Beaver Dam Road (which we really hope the county will re-pave soon), but prefer summer thunderstorms, heat & humidity to winter blizzards and frostbite, please consider this race. Complete information and online registration are located here.
The 55th annual presentation of the George Washington’s Birthday Marathon and Relay will take place on Sunday, February 14th, 2016 (Valentine’s Day!). Once we’ve updated the web site for the 2016 race, we’ll send everyone who registered for 2015 instructions on how to get the promised discount on entry fees. Look for them in September. Mark your calendars, make plans to join us at the start line, and start praying now for good weather!